Serving for your country is probably one of the greatest pride. Veterans after service can continue to enjoy this pride. Many veterans sacrifice themselves and their loved ones and serveContinue reading

Canadian veterans are people who have served in the CAF (Canadian Armed Forces) or the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police). They are national heroes who make all kinds of sacrificesContinue reading

police officers feel: I didn’t enjoy writing tickets – But you didn’t know I cried when I found your daughter lying in a ditch, high on meth – But youContinue reading

Veterans are men and women who have served devotedly for their countries. They not only deserve recognition and but also respect and support to build their post-service veteran lives. VeteranContinue reading

James Chapman, an army veteran who served during World War II in the South Pacific has just turned 100. During his military service and aftermath, he experienced the trauma, witnessedContinue reading